10 Ways To Get Paid To Travel

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Photo by Monstera Production on Pexels.com

You know that feeling, when you are on vacation and think…man, I could do this forever.

Well? Why not?

The internet is in most places in the world. We all have computers in our pockets. Those computers take amazing photos and videos. They allow us to create content with our thumbs.

Why are you not getting paid to travel the world already?

Let’s look at some options

1.) The life of a digital nomad – Excellent. This one is the easiest. You are likely already working a job. Talk to your management about, you know, doing it from a tropical island instead. Not an option? Okay, next.

2.) Find a new job – I am only half joking with this one. You have a job, you can’t do your job remotely. Maybe it is time to find a different job. You want to travel after all, and if you want to do it more than that annual holiday or after retirement…it might be time for a career change.

Jobs for Digital Nomads:

  • Programming
  • Web Development
  • Crypto Trading
  • Copy writing/editing
  • Freelance news/media
  • Cybersecurity
  • Data analysis
  • Marketing
  • Graphic Design
  • Open Source Intelligence
  • Business intelligence/Market research
  • 3D modeling
  • UI/UX
  • Language Translating

3.) Start a blog

Yea, I’m serious. You can read about my advice on becoming a travel blogger here.

4.) Become an author

Whether you take the route of traditional publishing or self-publishing, writing books can be a great way to bring in money no mater where you are in the world. Spend the next six months writing and see if it is for you.

5.) Become a vlogger

Much like blogging, vlogging is a great way to document what you are doing. There is always an audience for you travels and the food you eat. You just need to take the time to work on the appropriate skills. 

  • Filming
  • Editing
  • Recording
  • Thumbnails
  • SEO
  • Self-promotion
  • Etc.

It sounds overwhelming at first, but if you get started, the skills will begin to add up and improve. 

6.) Freelance work

I touched on this with “jobs for digital nomads” but it deserves its own spot. You can write, edit, program, design, any number of things for companies and individuals on the internet. It isn’t a job in the traditional sense, because you will work on a project based system. 

Still, it will give you the freedom to go where you want, when you want. This is another field you will need to give yourself at least a year to start in. A time period to showcase your work and build a list of clients.

7.) Teach languages

In a digital and global world, we all want more language skills. If English is your thing, you are in luck, because there are dozens of companies that will pay you to teach.

Regardless of your preferred language, you can also work for companies like italki and teach on your own time. A double win for the person looking to travel freely.

8.) Get a research grant

This one is a little more obscure, but if you are up to the challenge, it could be your thing. Universities and governments have grants available for research and writing.

In the United States, in particular, you can qualify for money to write a book. This is usually called something like “citizen history” and they WANT you to be a regular person outside of academia. 

You can use that grant money to travel for your research and gain those author skills you needed all at the same time.

9.) Become a “nanny” or “aupair”

If taking care of kids is something you are really good at and you meet the requirements. There are many families that will hire you to help them travel with their kids. 

10.) Become a house sitter or swapper

House sitting and house swapping is a whole subculture on the internet. You have probably heard of house sitting. You go to someone’s house and take care of things whilst they are away. This can take you to places all over.

House swapping is exactly what it sounds like. You find a house swapping group and join. Get to know people. Take a deep breath of bravery and… swap houses with people from all over the world. 

They stay at your place, you stay at theirs. Both parties get an affordable vacation. 

You don’t get “paid” to swap houses, but it was worth noting as a way to travel while doing other things for money, like that digital nomad job of yours.

Good Luck! Let me know in the comments if you get paid to travel!

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