Sacred Falls Oahu (Read this before you go 2024)

2 minutes


The forbidden fruit effect describes the idea that something becomes more appealing or enticing if you are not allowed to have it. This could be the reason that the Sacred Falls hike of Oahu remains a popular destination even though the park is closed. Some people may find the thrill of getting caught appealing, others may enjoy the risk of injury that comes with taking this hike. Whatever the reason for wanting to visit one of the most beautiful waterfalls that Oahu has to offer, know that Sacred Falls State Park is closed and there are guards patrolling that will hand out hefty fines if you get caught.

Tragedy Strikes

On Mother’s Day May 9, 1999 an impossible to predict rock slide claimed the lives of eight people and injured dozens more. Witness reports paint a scene of horror as automobile sized rocks fell from the mountains crushing people below who could not escape. The State of Hawaii was sued for not doing enough to ensure a safe environment inside the State Park resulting in park closure with no plans to ever reopen. The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) made a video about the dangers of visiting this site that can be viewed by scanning the QR code on the closed area sign.

Worth the Risk?

People make calculated risk decisions every single day they wake up and step outside, this is a natural part of life that can’t be avoided. From my point of view though, the risk to life and limb is not worth visiting Sacred Falls. Respecting the park closure would also be a way of respecting those who were impacted by the tragedy. There are plenty of other hikes all around Oahu that won’t carry the risk of getting crushed or getting a hefty citation from the DLNR. Although not as big as Sacred Falls, Waimea Valley trail is a beautiful place to visit that leads to a waterfall that you can safely swim in. If you need to get out in nature and find a good hike we have the perfect video for you outlining some great hikes that you don’t want to miss Click Here!

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