New Travel Blog: Write your way around the world

2 minutes


Experiencing the World: Informative Travel Blog with Love and Inspiration

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

For years, the idea of a travel blog felt like a thing of the past. Who reads travel blogs anymore? Aren’t we all on YouTube and Instagram?

As we started planning for our multi-year trip around the world, I realized I needed a place to put everything. Sure, the pictures and videos could go up on YouTube and Instagram…but what about all of the little details?

There is only so much I can cover in a video without it turning into one big infomercial about a trip. The blog allows me to get those thoughts out in an organized manner.

How did we find the cheapest tickets? Where did we go? Why did we choose that particular route or city or country?

What did the layover feel like? How did we navigate renting a car or finding lodging in a country we had never been to?

There is so much to say about logistics alone, but then there are the personal thoughts. The emotions. The struggles. A new travel blog allows me to express every moment of the journey in ways that other forums do not allow.

Photo by Ian Turnell on

The goal of this travel blog is to not only share information, but capture moments. We also specialize in sharing educational material. We travel as worldschoolers. So, I am always trying to build new curriculum and share new sources that help us enhance our learning as we travel the world.

Even if you can’t leave your home, I want this blog to inform you and brighten your day. You don’t have to take on travel in order to experience the world. That is why travel blogs like this one exist. To share the love.

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