Smart Flight Hacks for Affordable World Travel

2 minutes


Making world travel a reality

Photo by Andrew Stutesman on Unsplash

This is going to seem really obvious to people who have spent a great deal of time traveling. 

In truth, this is one of those things that we all kind of know or understand to some degree. I don’t think a lot of people take the time to look into it. Let alone make it happen.

So today, I am going to tell you something that “clicked” for me during our planning stage. It is not only saving us thousands upon thousands of dollars, but I think it is a useful thing to reiterate to others who may want to try their hand at traveling more. 

It all started when I wanted to look up flights to Central Asia. It is an area of the world that is in a precarious situation. With wars, conflicts, and controversies on all sides, it is difficult to simply fly in. These are strategic flight paths and I’m certain the price has been raised to account for low demand and high risk.

I typed in our city of origin (we almost exclusively fly out of Orlando, Florida) and our various destinations. I compared prices. It wasn’t looking good. Then, I thought, what if we fly from the other side of the world? What if my origin was in, say, India?

Behold, a cheaper flight! But. What about the cost to get to India to catch that flight? I typed things in. All in all. Flying around the world to India and then up to Central Asia, was still cheaper than trying to fly directly to Central Asia.

Photo by Farhodjon Chinberdiev on Unsplash

This reminded me of something I knew. Different cities and airports will experience different prices. Obviously, yea? But. How often do we consider this fact when trying to travel? Most of us type in that direct flight and get discouraged by the price. 

It takes a lot of searching to find cheaper flights, and the algorithms are slowly hiking the price as you search. It feels like an impossible task.

So the “hack” here is that I no longer look for round trip flights. Every destination is a jumping off point and, with enough strategy, it can save a ton of money. 

One such example we are using soon is the fact we can fly from Northern Africa to just about anywhere in the Mediterranean for just a couple hundred dollars for all three of us. 

Remember to hunt around. Test out different cities and different airports and use Google Flights as a way to compare prices across multiple days and times. 

Happy Travels!

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